Enum WindowHintInt
Context related attributes.
Namespace: OpenTK.Windowing.GraphicsLibraryFramework
Assembly: OpenTK.Windowing.GraphicsLibraryFramework.dll
public enum WindowHintInt
Name | Description |
AccumAlphaBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the alpha component of the accumulation buffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
AccumBlueBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the blue component of the accumulation buffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
AccumGreenBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the green component of the accumulation buffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
AccumRedBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the red component of the accumulation buffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
AlphaBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the alpha component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
AuxBuffers | Specifies the desired number of auxiliary buffers. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
BlueBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the blue component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
ContextRevision | Indicate the client API version(revision part) of the window's context. |
ContextVersionMajor | Indicate the client API version(major part) of the window's context. |
ContextVersionMinor | Indicate the client API version(minor part) of the window's context. |
DepthBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the depth component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
GreenBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the green component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
RedBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the red component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
RefreshRate | Specifies the desired refresh rate for full screen windows. If set to DontCare, the highest available refresh rate will be used. This hint is ignored for windowed mode windows. |
Samples | Specifies the desired number of samples to use for multisampling. Zero disables multisampling. DontCare means the application has no preference. |
StencilBits | Specify the desired bit depths of the stencil component of the default framebuffer. DontCare means the application has no preference. |